three dogs licking their dog mom

10 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Dog or Cat

Lili Read Time: 5 min

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we are all about celebrating one of life’s most important relationships—the one you share with your dog or cat! Our pets give us unconditional love every day of the year, and can even improve our health just by being their delightful selves. This year, show your dog or cat how much you appreciate them by sharing some quality time together on Valentine's Day. Here are 10 of our favorite ways to make the day extra special for your pet.

Give Your Dog or Cat a Valentine’s Day Gift

Show you care this Valentine’s Day by giving your special furry someone a gift they’ll love! Whether it’s a tasty treat like Raw Coated Biscuits, a toy, or a new bed, your pet will feel extra loved and spoiled. Does your dog or cat have everything they need? Spread the love to those that don't. Making a gift in your pet's name to a local animal rescue is a beautiful way to honor the day.

The best gift of all? Spending time together playing with their new toy, giving them lots of rubs and scratches while they relax in their new bed, or using treats to teach them a new trick. More than anything, your dog or cat wants to spend more time bonding with you!

Matching Dog or Cat Valentine’s Day Outfits

Twinning with your pet is the best! Wearing matching outfits or accessories is a fun yet simple (and very photo-worthy) way to celebrate your unique bond. Of course, if your pet hates being dressed in clothes, never force it.

Some fun and easy ideas to coordinate your attire include matching their collar, bandana, coat or harness to your own jacket, cap, watch band, or hair accessories!

Plan a Date with Fellow Pet Parents

This Valentine’s Day, why not host a fun night hanging out with your friends and their dogs or cats!

Everyone benefits from making social connections, and pets are no exception! Some extra socialization is even more appreciated during dark winter months when we're mostly indoors. You can make Valentine's Day dog treats together, plan some enrichment activities for dogs or for cats, or just catch up on life while your pets enjoy playing together.

If weather or distance make getting together tough, you can always opt for a virtual visit!

Plan a Special Valentine’s Meal

Did you know that dogs like eating at the same time as their pet parent? It’s true! Dogs are incredibly social animals and it can even help picky eaters enjoy their meal more if the whole “pack” is eating together. This can be true for some cats as well! Plan to sit down to eat a meal at the same time as your pet. We guarantee they’ll be your favorite new dinner date.

Have a Valentine’s-Themed Movie Night

Grab some pillows, blankets, and snacks and settle in for a movie night! Your pet won’t complain if you choose to watch your favorite rom-com for the 17th time.

If you're not in the mood for a movie but still want the cuddles and couch time, your dog or cat might love watching videos made just for them. YouTube has plenty of content geared towards pets, and nature documentaries featuring animals are also a big hit with four-legged viewers.

Arrange a Game Night

With dogs, you can stick to the classics like tug of war, fetch, or find the treat. Or try some new games to stimulate your dog's noggin, like puzzles or a snuffle mat.

Cat parents can entertain their cat with a flirt pole, or enjoy watching while your cat practices their hunting skills with a motorized interactive toy. Or play fetch with your cat - ping pong balls are great because they bounce around quickly, mimicking the movement of small prey.

Whether you teach your pet a new game or revisit a favorite, they'll love the extra playtime and excitement!

Make Heart-Shaped Valentine’s Day Treats—for Both of You!

Love will be in the air with heart-shaped food and treats! Bake cookies or brownies for yourself and use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out pieces. For your dog, use a heart-shaped cookie cutter on our Freeze-Dried Raw Dinner Patties. You can also use ice cube or plastic mold trays to form heart-shaped treats out of wet food or pet-safe bone broth! For your cat, there are few treats that can match the allure of catnip! You can sprinkle some catnip on a heart-shaped toy or rub it on a scratching post and let them indulge to their heart’s content.

Create Valentine’s Day-Themed Artwork with Your Dog or Cat

Use clay to make a paw print impression, or use paint and have your pet walk across a blank canvas. If you're worried about potential mess, put dollops of paint on a canvas and seal it inside a plastic bag. If your pet needs any encouragement to make their mark, sprinkle some treats or catnip on top. Whatever you decide to create, make sure to use pet-safe materials and have a place ready to display your masterpiece!

Plan a Valentine’s Day Spa(w) Day for You & Your Dog or Cat

Pamper yourself and your pet by taking the day to relax! For yourself (with your pet by your side, of course), take a bubble bath, wear a face mask, or do your nails. If your pet doesn’t mind, you can brush them or do a gentle massage. Whatever you choose, focus on relaxing in the moment with your best furry friend.

If spa-like activities are too low-key for your high-energy dog or cat, give them the chance to enjoy some extra exercise instead! You could take an extra long walk with your dog, or even let them choose the route. Both dogs and cats benefit from the physical and mental challenge of a custom-made obstacle course indoors. Or you can buy or build a 'cat tower' where your kitty can climb and explore.

Make a Valentine’s Day Memory That Will Last a Lifetime

With a little extra effort, practically anything can become a special Valentine's Day event that you'll always remember. Whether it’s in sun or snow, on a hike outdoors or in a blanket fort inside, do something special and strengthen the bond and love between you and your pet.

On any occasion, what your dog or cat craves is more of your time and undivided attention. To really make it special, try putting away your screens and other distractions to join your pet in enjoying the present moment—after you take a few (dozen) adorable photos, naturally!

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