Cat Safety on Halloween

Cat Safety on Halloween

By Nicole Groshek/Read Time: 2 min
Read Time: 2 min

Halloween can be a lot of fun, but some of the traditions can be stressful or even dangerous for cats. Keep reading to learn some easy pointers for making Halloween more enjoyable for your feline friend!

Keep Candy Out of Reach

Chocolate is one of several human foods that are toxic for cats, and the sugar in other types of candy isn’t good for cats either. Sugar-free candy often uses xylitol as a sweetener, which is very dangerous for cats to eat. And if your cat scarfs down any foil or plastic candy wrappers they can cause a bowel obstruction—a potentially life-threatening situation.

Use these tips to keep Halloween candy safely away from your cat:

  • Before Halloween, keep your candy stash in a cabinet your cat can’t get into, or install a child safety lock on a cupboard or drawer
  • If you have kids, explain to them why it’s dangerous for cats to eat candy
  • Get a trash can with a locking lid to discourage your cat from going after emptied candy bags and wrappers
  • Use a food storage container with a locking lid when passing out Halloween candy so your cat can’t get into it when you set it down


Costumes Not Required

As tempting as it can be to dress up your cat in a Halloween costume, not all cats enjoy wearing clothing. Being in a costume (and even seeing other cats wearing costumes) can trigger anxiety in some cats, so definitely skip it if your cat seems uncomfortable or stressed.

If your cat does tolerate a Halloween costume, use these tips to make sure they’re safe while wearing it:

  • Choose a costume that doesn’t impair your cat's ability to breathe, move, see, hear, eat, drink, or use the litterbox
  • Avoid costumes with small parts your cat could chew off and swallow (or choke on)
  • If your cat has sensitive skin or allergies, be aware that they may have an allergic reaction to some materials or dyes used in Halloween costumes - keep an eye out for excess scratching
  • Never leave your pet alone while dressed in a Halloween costume

If you or other members of your household plan to wear a costume, be aware that it could unnerve your cat. Consider scaling back your costume to avoid upsetting them. 

Party Prep for Your Cat

If you’re throwing a Halloween party, use these tips to make sure your cat stays safe and comfortable during the festivities:

  • Provide a safe place for your cat to retreat to in case they feel overwhelmed.
  • Tell your guests and their children not to share any candy, food or drink with your cat.
  • Supervise your cat to make sure they’re staying out of the treats and decorations.

If your cat has a hard time with parties, consider letting them stay with their cat grandparents or a neighbor they know well.

Happy Halloween & Happy Cats

As a cat parent, you can still enjoy everything you love about Halloween—all it takes is a little extra thoughtfulness and effort to make sure your cat feels safe and supported. Happy Meow-o-Ween!