Can Dogs Eat Watermelon

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

By Nicole Groshek/Read Time: 4 min
Read Time: 4 min

Yes, dogs can eat both red and yellow watermelon! Just keep a few safety tips in mind:

  • No seeds. If your dog swallows a single watermelon seed they’ll probably be fine, but eating multiple seeds puts them at risk of an intestinal blockage (especially smaller dogs). You should even remove those tiny white seeds from “seedless” watermelon because they’re harder for dogs to digest.
  • No rind. Just like you wouldn’t eat watermelon rind, you shouldn’t let your dog have any either. It’s hard to digest and can give dogs an upset stomach or diarrhea.
  • No processed or pre-prepared watermelon foods. Only real, fresh watermelon is suitable for sharing with your pup. Don’t let them eat watermelon candy or watermelon jam (which has sweeteners and possibly preservatives). Steer clear of watermelon jello as well: the original kind is packed with sugar, and the sugar-free type has xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.
  • Cut watermelon into safely sized pieces. This is to prevent your dog from choking.
  • Not too much. Watermelon is high in sugar, and too much sugar isn’t good for pups.

As always, it’s best to check with your veterinarian before giving your dog a new food for the first time!

Is Watermelon Safe for Dogs?

Watermelon is generally safe for dogs, but dogs with diabetes shouldn’t have any because of the sugar content. However, watermelon is fine for dogs with chronic pancreatitis because it’s fat free! It’s also safe for dogs with kidney disease, because watermelon is a low-phosphorus food. Just like other non-dog-food foods, watermelon is a treat which should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories. If your veterinarian has your dog on a weight management plan, definitely ask them first before giving your pooch any watermelon. Watermelon allergies are rare in dogs, but if it’s your pup’s first time having it, just give them a little bit and keep an eye out for signs of a reaction (skin irritation, coughing/sneezing).

Watermelon Has Some Health Benefits for Dogs

When safely fed in moderation, watermelon can be good for dogs because it’s:

  • It's hydrating. Watermelon is 92% water!
  • It's nutritious. Watermelon is rich in antioxidants, as well as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and other vitamins & minerals.
  • It's low calorie. A full cup of diced watermelon is under 50 calories.

Learn about other hydrating foods for dogs to enjoy in summer and all year round.

What About Watermelon Juice?

As long you’re talking about juice squeezed from fresh watermelon with nothing added, it has the same nutrients as watermelon flesh (minus the fiber), and the same guidelines apply: strain out any seeds, and don’t go overboard. Never give your dog canned watermelon juice, watermelon lemonade, or any other watermelon drinks made for people. If your dog loves watermelon, you can add a splash of watermelon juice to their water to encourage them to stay hydrated! Just be sure to change out the water more frequently due to the sugar content of watermelon. !

How Much Watermelon You Can Feed Your Dog

A suitable serving size of watermelon depends on the size of your dog:

  • Large/Extra-large breeds: About a cup
  • Medium breeds: Half a cup
  • Small breeds: 2-3 cubes about 1” per side
  • Extra-small breeds: Just a taste

If you’re not sure, err on the side of caution to be safe. If your dog goes wild for watermelon, you can cut it into small pieces to use as a training treat!

Can Dogs Have Watermelon Every Day?

Dogs shouldn’t eat watermelon daily. It’s best as an occasional treat. For optimal health, dogs need complete and balanced nutrition from quality dog food. Your dog can enjoy watermelon in moderation, but too much can put them off their regular food and cause digestive problems because of the high sugar content.

6 Fun & Easy Ways to Feed Your Dog Watermelon

Watermelon is so versatile - get creative and see what your dog enjoys the most!

  1. Freeze small pieces of watermelon for a refreshing treat on hot days. You can even bring some along if you go hiking with your dog.
  1. Make a simple frozen treat: remove the rind & seeds, puree the watermelon in a blender, then freeze it in an ice cube tray or silicone molds. Mix things up by blending watermelon with banana or cucumber!
  1. Kick it up a notch with some fancy layered watermelon pupsicles.
  1. Try another pupsicle twist with bone broth + fruit pupsicles - just don’t confuse them with your own popsicles!
  1. Whip up this three-ingredient watermelon pupsicle recipe to add some protein: mix 2 parts watermelon puree and 1 part plain low-fat greek yogurt with ½ part creamy peanut butter (make sure the peanut butter is all natural with no added sugar or xylitol). Freeze in silicone molds.
  1. Celebrate a special occasion with a barkuterie board featuring watermelon and other dog-safe foods.

Other Safe Fruits for Dogs

Strawberries are safe for dogs to eat, as are blueberries, bananas, cantaloupe, apples, and mango. If giving your dog some mango, be sure to remove the pit. For apples, remove the seeds, skin and stem. Always cut fresh fruit into safely-sized pieces for your dog. Learn about more human foods that are safe for dogs to eat and tips for walking your dog in hot weather.